Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year 2014 Resolutions

Happy New Year 2014!

I'm so excited for a new year.  It is always shocking when another year comes around...time goes so quickly.  

Do you make a New Years Resolution? I typically do, though, in full disclosure, I rarely keep them past January, which I suppose is typical.  I always try to reflect on how I can improve my life and the life of my family through my resolution.  This brainstorming in itself is helpful I believe and is a positive way to reflect on the upcoming year.  Our decisions have many ramifications for our families and our communities and so our resolutions can really make a difference!  If you are struggling coming up with a resolution, here are some ideas based on our core goals!


  • Resolve to use less energy this year.  You can also join our pilot program with Sustainable Southern Gables.  Make a few small changes and compare your energy usage to last year!  This is amazing easy!
  • Consider implementing the 5 R's to all your purchases to reduce waste!  The 5 R's are Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot.  


  • Start your day with some yoga.  This is a great way to start your day with some breathing and stretching.  Don't do anything to heavy as your body isn't warmed up, but I have found this is a great way to start your day and get energized!  Here are some morning yoga moves I use.  
  • Resolve to get up and be active or walk a certain amount per day/week.  Walking is easy and we have a beautiful neighborhood and local parks to walk in!  Get outside and walk!  You will feel better and healthier and getting outdoors in the winter to get some sunshine can also beat those winter doldrums!


  • Stop and enjoy the beauty around you.  We are surrounded with beauty and it can really brighten your day and reduce stress if you can take a few minutes to take deep breaths and focus on beauty!  A fun way to do this is join the 365 Project (it's free!) and take a photo of something beautiful each day.  This can also be a great way to look back at all the beauty around you if you are having a bad day.
  • Resolve to make one natural beauty product to use this year.  Again you can find many recipes online.  You can make your own makeup, deodorant, soap, body butter, lotion, etc.  These are great because you know exactly what natural ingredients are being used and you can scent them with essential oils that you enjoy most!


  • Learn a new kitchen skill this year.  This can be using how to make something handmade!  You can make so many things!  Try to focus on one item and you can also turn this into a great homemade gift idea for this Christmas!
  • Read a book about sustainability.  We have a whole list of books on this blog that can help you learn something new and many are available through the Jefferson County Public Library!

Eating well

  • Try eating at least one new organic food per week.  Organic foods are good for you and good for the environment.  
  • Avoid processed foods.  Try to make at least one of your favorite processed foods on your own!  This is so easy with the internet.  You can make anything from your own brown sugar (just sugar and molasses) to your own bread.


  • Organize!   The easiest way to organize is to have less stuff (see resolution below).  But you can then organize what you have.  If items are organized they are easier to use (or you can realize you don't use them at all and reuse or recycle them!).  There are many ideas for organization online.  Try to not spend a lot of money on your organization though.  You can use what you have or other low cost ideas.
  • Buy Less.  Resolve to literally buy less.  This helps in so many areas of our lives.  If you buy less you will save money, have less to clean or dispose of, and have less to tidy up, saving time and stress!  We live in a material culture, but if you can focus on one area and how many of something you need you can cut back really easily.  

Most importantly resolve to enjoy your year and time with family and friends!  Wishing you all the best in this new Year!