Wednesday, August 6, 2014

School Supplies

Reuse / Recycle

School Supplies

It's almost the end of summer, which means it is time to stock up on the kiddos' school supplies.  This is another great opportunity to use some of the Green R's (for more info see post) - Reuse & Recycle (those elementary school years may having you want to Refuse also!).

Let's first consider Reuse. Do you still have some of last year's pencils around the house? How about that really expensive calculator from an older sibling? Try to reuse these items before going shopping for new. If you typically toss all your school supplies at the end of the year, keep Reuse in mind this year and put them aside.

Lunch is another great Reuse area. Buy a great reusable lunchbox and include reusable items - storage, utensils, and napkins. These can be found at local stores or some online options:

  • Mightnest (purchases and other actions can raise funds to support your local schools)

  • Reuseit lots of options here for back to school

Next is hitting the stores. Think Recycle here. Try to buy products made of recycled materials as well as made of materials that can be recycled or composted.  These can now be found at any store carrying school supplies. Look for the Recycle symbol to compare the % of materials and post-consumer materials used. Some online options:

Note that I am not specifically endorsing any of the websites in this post. Please use caution and secure options when purchasing from an unfamiliar online retailer.

What other ideas do you have for making school supplies greener?

Hope everyone has a happy, safe, and green start to their school years!
